Apoptosis, Senescence and Cancer

Danh mục: Y học

65.000 VND

75.000 VND

ISBN: 9781617376214

Nhà xuất bản: Humana Press

Tác giả: David A. Gewirtz, Shawn E. Holt, Steven Grant

Số trang: 616

Năm xuất bản: 2010

Ngôn ngữ: Tiếng Anh

Thời hạn

65.000 VND

75.000 VND

100.000 VND

130.000 VND

150.000 VND

Mô tả

This book provides insight into established practices and research into apoptosis and senescence. The volume thoroughly examines novel and emerging techniques and research in the fields of cell death pathways, senescence growth arrest, drugs and resistance, DNA damage response, and other topics that still hold mysteries for researchers. In total, this volume provides basic scientists and clinicians with a deeper and more complete understanding of the cellular responses of malignancies which may determine the effectiveness of treatment, both in the initial stages of the disease as well as in disease recurrence.

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