Qualitative Marketing Research: A Cultural Approach

Danh mục: Marketing

75.000 VND


ISBN: 9781412903813

Nhà xuất bản: Sage

Tác giả: Johanna Katarina Moisander, Professor Anu Valtonen

Số trang: 240

Năm xuất bản: 2006

Ngôn ngữ: Tiếng Anh

Thời hạn

75.000 VND

75.000 VND

100.000 VND

130.000 VND

150.000 VND

Mô tả

Aimed at both graduate and undergraduate students majoring in business administration and in other fields of social sciences, Qualitative Marketing Research unpacks the emerging cultural approach in the field of marketing and consumer research and provides an interesting and informed study for anyone interested in cultural approaches to economic and social theory. В

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