Aids Rhetoric and Medical Knowledge

Danh mục: Y học

55.000 VND

75.000 VND

ISBN: 9780521837705

Nhà xuất bản: Cambridge University Press

Tác giả: Alex Preda

Số trang: 290

Năm xuất bản: 2004

Ngôn ngữ: Tiếng Anh

Thời hạn

55.000 VND

75.000 VND

100.000 VND

130.000 VND

150.000 VND

Mô tả

Examining the formation of scientific knowledge about the AIDS epidemic in the 1980s, Alex Preda highlights the metaphors, narratives, and classifications which framed scientific hypotheses about the nature of the infectious agent and its transmission. Preda compares these arguments with those used in the scientific analysis of SARS. He demonstrates how scientific knowledge about epidemics is shaped by cultural narratives and categories of social thought through a detailed review of biomedical publications.

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