Computer science handbook

Danh mục: Tin học, Tin học

75.000 VND


ISBN: 9780203494455

Nhà xuất bản: Chapman & Hall/CRC

Tác giả: Allen B. Tucker

Số trang: 154

Năm xuất bản: 2004

Ngôn ngữ: Tiếng Anh

Thời hạn

75.000 VND

75.000 VND

100.000 VND

130.000 VND

150.000 VND

Mô tả

The second edition of this elemental handbook reviews the current state of theory and practice in the field while emphasizing a more practical/applied approach to IT topics such as information management, net-centric computing, and human computer interaction. With a complete revision of its sections on software engineering, architecture, and operating systems, this now thoroughly up-to-date manual is as cutting-edge in the new millennium as it was in the nineties. The Computer Science Handbook, Second Edition includes new information on Web-based software, speech recognition, data mining, cryptography, and distributed objects computing as well as references and sources for further information.

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28/11/2023 23:17:41
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