Electronic irradiation of foods: an introduction to the technology

75.000 VND


ISBN: 9780387237848

Nhà xuất bản: Springer

Tác giả: R. B. Miller

Số trang: 308

Năm xuất bản: 2005

Ngôn ngữ: Tiếng Anh

Thời hạn

75.000 VND

75.000 VND

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150.000 VND

Mô tả

This book is devoted to an examination of the technologies and practical implementation techniques associated with food irradiation using accelerator sources of ionizing radiation, specifically electron beams and x-rays. Introductory chapters summarize the effects of ionizing radiation on biological organisms and the organic compounds comprising foods, and gives an overview of the food irradiation process. Subsequent chapters cover the details of the electron beam and x-ray energy deposition, electron accelerator technologies, beam scanning systems, material handling systems, shielding design, and process control considerations. Important appendices cover radiation dosimetry, induced radioactivity, and ozone generation.

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